It’s now midnight of the 19th, so submissions to our OC contest are now CLOSED. Thanks so much to everyone who entered; turnout has been phenomenal. We’ll have results for you as soon as possible.
Thanks, everypony!
It’s now midnight of the 19th, so submissions to our OC contest are now CLOSED. Thanks so much to everyone who entered; turnout has been phenomenal. We’ll have results for you as soon as possible.
Thanks, everypony!
Our Livestream happened as planned earlier today – we had a pretty good turnout, getting (I believe) around 40-50 viewers at peak viewing time. In case you missed it and would like to check it out, here’s a recorded version of our antics:
Thanks to everyone who came out; it was a great time, and we’re happy that it looks to have been a success.
Hi all,
I’m happy to announce that this Sunday, August 12, we’ll be hosting a Livestream at 3 PM PDT, 6 PM EDT, 12 AM CET. Full details here:
Hope to see you there!
Hi all,
In honor of MLI now turning one year old, we’ve put together a little video in which we talk to our team about themselves, about MLI, and about working on the game:
Hi all,
It’s with a bit of sadness that I have to announce that TehJadeh, our Scootaloo VA, has had to step down from that role, owing to insufficient time. However, don’t worry – we’re still full speed ahead; DivinexRose, our Rainbow Dash VA, has agreed to step up and fill that role, and we have no doubt that she’ll do as lovely a job as TehJadeh would’ve. And TehJadeh will still be filling her dialog character artist role that she does so well, so no worries about any impact there, either.
As a little preview, here are a few of the tracks that she’s done for us already:
We’d like to thank TehJadeh for the work she’s done for us already, and DivinexRose as well for taking on this role at such short notice! You two are both awesome.
Hi all! GabuEx here.
Haven’t seen you in a while. How have you been? We’ve been great.
Today is a bit of a special day for My Little Investigations, because the project has officially turned one year old. One year ago today, I created a new XNA project in Visual Studio for an idea that I had. Then, a few days later, I sent what I had created thus far to Equestria Daily, just since I figured I had nothing to lose. And, well, the rest has been history. This project has far surpassed all of my wildest expectations when I first started that XNA project, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It wouldn’t have gotten here without everypony’s love and support, so thank you to everyone for helping to get us this far. And it certainly wouldn’t have gotten here without the wonderful hard work of the team, either – so thank you to them as well, for everything they’ve already done on the project.
On that note, now seems as good a time to make another announcement regarding MLI!
You would’ve already seen this had you gone to the Everfree Northwest website, but I’d like to officially announce it here, as well: My Little Investigations will be appearing at Everfree Northwest! We had somewhat of a presence at BronyCon a few weeks ago, but this time around we’ll have a full hour-long panel, hosted by yours truly and ZeusAssassin, at which we’ll be talking about MLI and showing some never-before-seen gameplay from the first case. You can look forward to that when Everfree Northwest comes around on August 17-19!
Applications for the position of audio engineer are now closed.
And in tandem with this announcement, I’d also like to announce that we now have our audio engineer, as well. I’d like everyone to give a big, warm welcome to X-Trav. We look forward to working with him in order to bring you all the best audio experience you can get.
Thanks to all of our wonderful applicants! You all are great, whether or not you made it.
A while back, The Round Stable did a very nice, lengthy write-up on our case 1 demo. I’m happy to report that they also recently conducted an interview with us as well! That can be found here:
Anyone interested in a bit more insight into the origins of MLI, on the team, and on our thoughts on various matters should definitely go check it out.
EDIT: Applications are now closed! Thanks to everyone who applied.
Hi all,
Just dropping you a line to say that, in light of feedback from the case 1 demo, we’ve decided to start recruiting for an audio engineer. The audio engineer will be responsible for a number of audio matters, such as normalization and equalization of dialog, the creation of sound effects, and more. Have a looksee through the recruitment page if it sounds like something that you can and would like to do.
Thanks, all!
A bit of an update since our last post – we’ve just put live a new version of the case 1 demo, which you get can here.
The list of changes since the initial release are as follows:
This doesn’t fix EVERY issue that has been reported to us, of course – it only fixes the ones that were fixable in a brief period of time. Rest assured that we will be addressing all of it in due time.
Thanks to everyone so much for all your kind support and wonderful feedback thus far! You all are grade-A awesome.