GitHub repository for game executables source

Hi all,

Due to popular request, and in general its seeming like a perfectly reasonable idea, I’ve set up an official GitHub repository for the game executables source for MLI. You can find it here:

I’ve gone ahead and have seeded it with the first few issues reported by fans in the forums.



16 thoughts on “GitHub repository for game executables source

  1. I have bin playing your game pretty thoroughly and I have found myself stuck at one pacific part. This is right after I found the blue key and hole, it says that I should try it on the safe but I am not getting any options to do so. I would very much appreciate some help or a clue at the least.

  2. You need to combine the blue key with the red key, and the claw marks with the etched x rock to create stronger evidence and proceed.

  3. Case one is out, and JanAnimation’s “Don’t Mine At Night” got released from C&D hell. This is a GOOD weekend to be a brony!

  4. The game source would certainly benefit from a more detailed ReadMe file. I was able to compile a working Linux executable from one of the forks on GitHub (yay!), but it asked for common.dat to be placed in /usr/share/MyLittleInvestigations. I created this folder, then stuck in the common.dat found in the Mediafire source download. This got me as far as the title screen, but the game crashes whenever I try to open the options menu, and when I select “New Game”, it says that no cases are installed. It’s clearly looking for the rest of the game data, but I’m not entirely certain where it is (in the common-data folder, I assume), or what directory I need to put it in to make things work.

    Any thoughts?

  5. I’ve downloaded the game an opened the EXE file, install it and opened the Direct Access in my desktop, but the game wont lunch. There is a message displaying “couldn’t start the game” and I have to click “OK”. What’s happening? I have Windows 7 Starter.

      • I made everything, the Direct Acces was even telling that there was an update when I clicked on it. Either I accept or deny that, the game simply wont launch. The tab for it opens, but then a small square tells me that the game “couldn’t start”.

  6. It wont open, no matter what I do. Seriously guys, how is that you come with this game and didn’t saw this? Maybe I’ll be just one person but it sure does makes me feel bad and angry. I don’t care if the developers read this or not. Thanks anyway. Hope the ones that DL it and played it enjoyed the game because I can’t.

  7. Sorry, since I’m a Mexican Girl, that’s how I know the name for the “Icon” that appears in the Desktop of the computer (for what I see is the face of Twilight Sparkle). Here that’s called “Acceso Directo” so I translated that to English. My bad. But seriously, I got friends that downloaded the exact same file and open without problems, and I’m the only one of the Gang that can’t even run the game? I’ve checked the file, uninstalled and reinstalled it, even checked another EXE’s I have in my PC but they work fine, just this game won’t work. I think I have right to be upset.

    • What video card do you have in your computer? The error you’re describing basically says that the executable either couldn’t initialize our audio/visual library, couldn’t create a window to draw content to, or couldn’t create an object to draw to that window. Any of these three would indicate that your computer’s graphical capabilities just aren’t enough to be able to play the game; if that’s the case, then I’m afraid that there isn’t really much I can do to help. If you have a decent video card, though, it might be something else that I’m not thinking of.

      • Then I can’t play it. Nuff said……I need a beter graphic card then. Thanks but I can’t afford me one right now. And I guess nobody would make a revision of this for those who have a computer with not enough specs to run the game like me. At least I know the cause now. Good evening.

        • Well, I’d like to be able to help, but if your graphics card doesn’t support the things like hardware acceleration, it’d be difficult for your computer to play just about any game of any sort of complexity. It’s not something where we can just make a few changes and have it work on your computer. Sorry I couldn’t be more help. 🙁

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