All right, fillies and gentlecolts… it’s the time you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time to announce the results of our OC contest! The three winners will have their OCs put into case 1 of MLI for an interaction with Twilight, and the thirty-seven runners-up in the top forty will get an honorable mention in this post.
Before I get to the results, I’d like to thank everyone for such a phenomenal turnout for this contest! In total, we received a total of 501 OCs entered from 370 creators. Those are not small numbers! As such, we’ve taken a little while to ensure everyone gets their fair consideration, so we’d like to thank everyone for their patience. There were all kinds of ponies, and it was an absolute treat to see all of your imaginations at work here. The creativity of this community never ceases to amaze me.
I’d just like to make one more statement before we get to our winners and runners-up. We had a number of criteria that we judged OCs on, which include their suitability to the Ponyville setting, how interesting we felt they were, how confident we were that we could write an interesting interaction between them and Twilight, and so on. These are all criteria for the OCs’ appropriateness within MLI. These are categorically not judgment calls that should be taken as fundamental statements about the quality or “goodness” of the OCs in a general or objective sense. If one has an OC that contains several cliches, and which doesn’t have a very fleshed-out backstory, but which nonetheless makes that person very happy even so, then that is a good thing, and nothing here should cause that person to consider discarding that OC. At the end of the day, you ought to be your own judge for whether or not you like your OC; if you don’t, then it doesn’t matter how many other people do.
So, without further ado, you may find the winners and the runners up after the break!
The winners
Abby Sprocket
Entrant: Whgoops (
This is Abby Sprocket! She goes by both Abby and Sprocket, which ever you like more. Abby grew up in Canterlot during the Steampunk era in the mid 1800’s. She was always in her workshop creating new gadgets and fixing things around the house. She even made herself new wings after being hit by lightening and her old wings being unsalvageable! Her whole life changed when she created the ultimate invention: a time machine. As she was putting the final touches on it, it went haywire and sent her to present day Ponyville. She fell in love with the ponies and town and decided to stay. Since then, she’s opened a shop to fix and sell some of her gadgets.
Overall, she’s a very open pony and loves meeting new ponies. She’s always there with a helping hoof to a friend in need, even if it means she’ll have to work overtime in her shop. Though she’s known to be a very kind pony, she can, though it’s quite rare, get very annoyed and snippy. That’s only when someone is bugging her about something for days on in. She also has a strange weakness for hay bacon strips…
Entrant: ParfaitPichu
Eclair is very sweet and fun, and is very shy around new people, but when she gets to know you she really opens up. She’s creative and quick-thinking and is always there for friends even in tough times. She like to paint, draw and create, but sculpting is her passion.
Eclair is a Unicorn who has lived in Canterlot most of her life. Her family is well-known though out Equestria as the creators of the most prestigious Statues, Sculptures and other artworks. Eclair has also followed in her family’s hoofsteps and has become an upcoming protege in sculpting. Although she is talented, Eclair feels that everything she’s done doesn’t even compare to the all of her family’s creations – so she decided to travel all over Equestria to learn and experience now things in order to inspire her to create a masterpiece that will make her family proud.
Hoover Sweeps
Entrant: Wil “Wil_I_Zin” Risen (
His cutie mark is a sweeping broom. Most think this involves a talent with cleaning; however, his true talent lies in that he can clean up anything with a broom, even crime. (But he mostly sticks to floors.)
After spending years of cleaning up other ponies’ messes, Sweeps has become distant from his fellow pony. The job of being a janitor has been a thankless one, so he spends most of his time listening in on all the gossip ponies tend to say when no one is around. And wouldn’t you know it, being a janitor practically makes you invisible. If forced to be sociable, he will be snarky and usually let slip something he heard recently, just to see what it will stir up. Hoover has only one hatred, and that is for a certain weapon of mass partying that seems to make his job harder then it SHOULD be.
Hoover Sweeps is a freelance janitor, with a few contracts in Canterlot, Ponyville, and Fillydelphia. He most noticeably has had the “pleasure” of being on clean up duty for every natural/unnatural/animal/mad-god disaster that has happened in the past few years.
Runners-up (rest of top 10)
Ambient Recluse
Entrant: Sean W.
Master Clockwork
Entrant: Master Clockwork
Entrant: Cyberglass
Pixel Perfect
Entrant: ZuTheSkunk (
Entrant: mkovic117
Rosetta Stone
Entrant: Tchernobog
Storm Cloud
Entrant: appleHack
Runners-up (rest of top 40)
Ace Blitz
Entrant: ACE (majinrabbid)
Bardic Knowledge
Entrant: Joe McCord
Batty Gloom
Entrant: Batty Gloom
Blind Justice
Entrant: Darren J.
Entrant: BronyMike (
Buck Ryder
Entrant: Tyrannus Paleo/The Zoologist Colt
Cherri Melody
Entrant: Court Pless
Citrus Fizz
Entrant: oegiap
Entrant: Coin-Trip39
Daring Peaches
Entrant: Kdogfour
Fanny Pack
Entrant: Rebecca Skinner (
Entrant: Kim A. (Adlivun)
Forrest Crooner
Entrant: Justin Patterson
Frank the Pony
Entrant: Hunter B.
Entrant: Mythee
Hollow Calculator
Entrant: Potato_Guy
Entrant: Diddgery
Entrant: GLARGH
Inky Ribbon
Entrant: MalkyTop
Entrant: Diexna (
Northern Crescent
Entrant: Nanook
Professor Renaldo Eduardo Search
Entrant: Croswynd (
Entrant: Dubzy
Entrant: Juan M.
Silver Lining
Entrant: Balderdash999 (
Sol Skyfly
Entrant: Cotton
Specter Lionheart
Entrant: Calcos
Velvet Sky
Entrant: Fuzzlepuzzle
Wishy Washy
Entrant: Clex Yoshi
Wob Niar
Entrant: NeoArtimus (
(If you don’t get it, then go watch Turnabout Storm right now!)
These ponies are awesome! ^^
i’ve lost but it doesn’t matter, congratulations to all winners 😀
I’m really super ultra flattered that I’d be even this worthy of making the cut with my awkward genie pony thing going on. That being said, I would like to give my congrats to Abby Sprocket, Eclair, and Hoover Sweeps, and really everypony that made it into this post! I’d also like to also personally call out Rosetta Stone and Farafra for particularly catching my eye!
Regardless, I look forward to what you guys have planned for the winner as far as interacting with Twilight Sparkle goes!
Oh man, I was so close! Ah well, I’m just glad I was even in the top ten! The email said i was in the top 40 but this is even better 😀
wishy: thanks! The artist did a lovely job with the mane design I’d asked for, and I’m glad my OC caught your attention! 🙂
Congratulations to everyone that made it in.
well, I’ll try again next contest.
Wob Nair should have totally won… Just sayin’
Anyone Congrads to the winners and the runner-ups!
But and extra shout out to GabuEx, ZeusAssassin and Udgy for taking the time to carefully weed out over 500 enteries! (PW fans should get who Udgy is, if I’m spelling it right.)
Well… this is what happens when you write a poor description that’s not overly detailed – you lose.
HOOVER SWEEEEPS <33333 Congrats all winners! And runner-ups! And I'm so happy Hoover'll be there! He is vastly amusing. Also, steampunk? YESSS.
Awh, I knew Kamilego deary would not make it 😛 Oh well, congartulations to all you winners! I love the designs on them, maybe next time when a competition as such comes up I will put more effort into my dear Kamilego :3
Kamil Czechowski,
Kamilego’sTeam Leader
Well, I do thank you all for the opportunity and all, be number 11…. whoa…. really really means a lot for me, thanks
The ponies are listed alphabetically, not by rank.
Ah, I am not surprised mine did not win. Her color scheme had too much contrast, but my personal honorable mentions for the runners up is a hard call between so many awesome ponies! But I suppose I will shoutout to Pixel Perfect(love the design! ^_^), Cherri Melody(Very cool artwork!), Kickbolt( Just Wow! Amazing artwork again! :D), Reverie(Love your style! ^_^), Wishy Washy(Awwwwww! : ) ), Silver Lining(Beautiful Artwork! :D), Northern Crescent(Very impressive artwork here as well! :D), Hoodwink(Crazy Style and daring look! :D), Farafra(So Cute! ^_^), And of course big shoutout to the three winners and top ten! Looking forward to seeing your awesome OC’s in the game! ^_^
Thank you very much for the shout-out. if Wishy is at least winning smiley faces from other ponies, then I’ve clearly done something right and it makes me all the more happier that I could have the oppertunity to even be mentioned on this dev blog!
Heh, I’m glad you guys liked Professor Search enough to include him in the top forty. I’ve spent a lot of time on him (as he is one of my most fleshed out OCs) and I’m even writing a short story on him, to boot.
That said, I really like the top three winners. They look great, which is always a plus, and they seem to have some legitimate backstories. They feel like characters, is what I’m saying, a fact that I appreciate and admire. The creators clearly spent a lot of time on them.
For the rest of my top forty companions and all the other 500+, I’m glad you all entered and love to see so many great OCs are in the wild. It’s a great relief to know that not every pony is a Baron Von Red Vamp Alicornia Darkslash.
Hope you enjoy your characters, MLI, and good luck on the rest of the game itself!
Top 40? No way! Nice to know I’m in the OC 1%.
A lot of great entires didn’t make it this high either. The competition was crazy good.
Does that mean we have a monopoly on all the bits in comparison to all other ponies? 😀
I’d like to say congratulations to the winners and runner-ups. All of your OC ponies look really cool. You should be proud of yourselves. I hope you, as well as I, are looking forward to seeing them in the game. =)
Ahh, I wish I knew this was going on 🙁 I would have entered my OC >
Making the runner-up list? This is good. This is good indeed. TIME FOR IMPROVEMENTS AND DOODLE PRACTICE.
Congrats to the winners! My personal fav is Eclair 🙂
I knew that Eclair would make it, congratz! :3
Well that’s the last time i enter a contest. I didn’t even make runner up. Oh well! CONGRATS EVERYONE!
Props to Eclair. Also, Wob Nair ftw!