Voice Actors

Looking to lend your vocal talents to My Little Investigations? You’re in the right place! You can find below the positions that we have available. If you’re interested in applying to be a voice actor, please send an email to recruitment@equestriandreamers.com with the subject line MLI Application – Voice Actor – position(s) you’re trying out foryour name/online alias and which includes responses to the following brief questionnaire plus audio recordings, attached to the email, of at least one take (though you may do more than one take) for each of the lines provided for the character(s) you’re trying out for.


How familiar are you with the Ace Attorney series and MLP:FIM?

How much free time do you have per day (on average) and on a weekly basis?

Have you worked on long projects before? What was the experience like and did you work well with that team?

The following roles are currently available:

Female roles

Smaller roles

Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash

Male roles

Smaller roles

Uncle Orange


Fluttershy’s role in the case is a very minor one; however, the VA will still need to capture the natural variations in her quiet demeanor, such as her own special brand of happiness, fear, and so on, rather than being monotonic. Shy but expressive – that’s Fluttershy!

Line 1: (Indecisive, quiet, shy.) “Um, excuse me, Twilight, I would just like to ask, I mean, if it would be alright, if you haven’t given it to someone else…”

Line 2: (Surprised, scolding like a mother.) “*gasp* Mr. Beaverton Beaverteeth! Such language!”

Line 3: (Scared out her mind, growing sadder towards the end of the line.) “Oh, oh goodness! Please watch ou- *shriek* (sobbing) I wanna go ho-o-oome!”

Pinkie Pie

Pinkie Pie plays a relatively minor role in case 2, being part of the mane 6 traveling to Manehattan together, but will still have her usual expressive self all the same. Prospective voice actors should consider eating five bags of sugar before trying out for her, because we’ll definitely be looking for her characteristic energy and incorrigible enthusiasm.

Audition lines – say these lines for your audition:

Line 1: (Cheeky and friendly.) “HeeeeeeEEEEEY! How’s it goin’ Twilight, huh huh huh?”

Line 2: (Fangirl-y.) “Well the tastiest treat of all is sure to be the Cakes’ Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness. All that rich creamy goodness of the marzipan, combined with the tart tanginess of the mascarpone, blended perfectly with the smooth, silky sweetness of the meringue. That’s why I call the Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness the “MMMM””

Line 3: (Thoughtful yet exuberant.) “Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um… Hokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!”

Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash similarly has a relatively minor role in case 2, being a supporting character who is present when the whole group is gathered. Prospective voice actors should be prepared to emulate her natural style, flair, and wonderifficly awesome nature, as well as her projected confidence and self-assuredness.

Audition lines – say these lines for your audition:

Line 1: (Self-assured) “Hey Twilight, check out these moves I’ve been practicing to show to the Wonderbolts. Zip! Zow! Wham! Pretty awesome, huh?”

Line 2: (Annoyed and dismissive.) “Ugh, I stopped listening waaaaay early, Twilight. You’ve gotta stop being so… details-y!”

Line 3: (Worried and insistent.) “Ugh, you wouldn’t understand, Twilight! I’ve got an image! I’ve got style! I’ve got… AWESOMENESS! COOLNESS! RADICALNESS! That kind of sappy thing… totally UN-awesome. You gotta promise to never, ever, ever tell ANYPONY, Twilight. My life will be ruined!”


This waitress, Masquerade, carries herself with a normally apathetic attitude. Though she never outright shirks her duties at her restaurant, she doesn’t take her job too seriously either, and appears to be sleepy most of the time. But being sleepy doesn’t mean she’s a quiet one. She enjoys conversing with the guests since that gets her to stop thinking about her boring job. Her voice is in the midrange of the female spectrum. She plays a minor role in Case 2.

Line 1: (Slow paced line, but still is an attempt of a lazy pony trying to do her job.) “*yawn* …Oh, um, hi. Can I, like… take your order, or something like that?”

Line 2: (Excited. Sound engaged in whatever conversation she is about to enter, then bored when talking about her job.) “Oh, hey, yeah, of course I got time to talk about that! This place is pretty *yawn* quiet, anyway. Haven’t had a customer in the last, like, hour.”

Line 3: (Back to her tired self. Not as slow paced as the first line.) “Say, um, Mr. le Grand? Do you think I could, like… head home early today? ‘S so slooow today…”

Uncle Orange

Just like Aunt Orange, Uncle Orange carries himself with a very uptight and strict personality. He shares the same pride in Manehatten and disdain of the country as Aunt Orange. His pitch is about average for most stallions. His accent is similarly upper-class Manhattan-style accent. He has a similar amount of lines as Aunt Orange in case 2.

Line 1: (Full of passion and excitement.) “Ah yes, Manehatten. This is indeed THE place to go for ponies looking to refine their knowledge and fuel their motivations – a true birthplace for the Equestrian dream!”

Line 2: (Happy and then transitions to slight confusion.) “Applejack! So nice to see you. And who are these, er… COLORFUL bunch of ponies accompanying you?”

Line 3: (Dismissive, patronizing tone.) “Tsk, tsk, I really think that living in Ponyville has taken its toll on you, Applejack. You truly ought to come live in a place like this. Become a more… cultured pony.”